Alla inlägg den 17 februari 2009

Av Biddy - 17 februari 2009 21:24

...och nu måste jag faktiskt köpa en ny. Eller ja alltså en bättre begagnad dådå.

Renault Clio?

Peugeot 307?

Honda Jazz?

I morrn ska jag ut och provköra - men just NU ska jag bara ned i badet - var ute med pålle i över en timma i dag och sprang ganska stora delar men blev blöt om fö vill jag bli varm innan jag knoppar.

Och knoppar gör jag DIREKT efter badet!!

Av Biddy - 17 februari 2009 15:10

Pascal Mercier :

What had started as a temptation to hold on to something familiar had become more a farewell as the hours passed. To be able to part from sometning you had to confront it in a way that created internal distance. You had to turn the unspoken, diffuse self-understanding it had wrapped around you into a clarity that showed what it meant to you. And it meant it had to congeal into something with distinct contours.

For me this is he closest I have found that explains how to "deal with" issues that are not physically present other than as thoughts anymore. Like mourning my mum.  

Marcus Aurelius :

Do wrong to thyself, do wrong to thyself, my soul; but later thouh wilt no longer have the opportunity of respecting and honouring thyself. For every man has but one life. But yours is nearly finished, though in it you had no regard for yourself but placed thy felicity in the souls of others........ But those who do not observe the impulse in their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.

I do absolutely not want to be unhappy. It´s just that however hard I observe the impulses are so not there. Yet.

Av Biddy - 17 februari 2009 14:56

I do feel blue at times now (which you know off course) but I also feel lots of love. Lucky me.

I recieved some from Canada the other day. Not much beats being entitled "my beloved friend" in an email. All I have to do is think of her and she knows and I know I can feel the love.

It is in the air.

My dearest friends - they all give me love. Happy love. Warm love. Soft love.  Physical love.

I get loads now from my father. Unbelievable what a person he has unfolded to become - worked hard for it - after my mums death.

The love for my mum is very painful though. It makes my cry. I say I didn´t mourn much when she died. They say it´s now coming to get me sort of. Time to mourn.

May I never become someone not capable of recieveing love. Please.

Av Biddy - 17 februari 2009 14:52

Pålle och jag var ute igen i går kväll. Hade kvällsfodringen oxå. Jag hade tänkt ut en ny runda - som jag beräknade skulle ta ca 1,5 timma - men på den skogsvägen jag trodde det skulle gå att jogga var det så himla isigt så det gick i snigelfart. Pålle halkar ingenting - han är sååå trygg på sina broddar - väldigt roligt.

Vi var ute i 1 timma och 50 minuter.

Och i morse visade vågen 56,0.

Grrr. Det blir promenad i dag med - fast nu på eftermiddagen. Ska "bara" sen ska jag till stallet medans det fortfarande är ljust. Fast i dag blir det bara den rundan som är på 1 timma tror jag.


Fråga mig

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